For instance, last week my 4-year-old asked me what my name was 😂
It made me reminisce about some of my first discoveries as a child. Honestly, I couldn't remember many.
Like learning the alphabet, tying my shoes, or riding a bike, the most exciting discoveries and accomplishments we learn as kids somehow become dull and ordinary.
It's so heartwarming to hear about what my kids learn each day and the things that make them excited, like learning to draw something new.
Maybe there are a few things that I, as an adult, will still get excited about, but I can almost guarantee that they won't be as simple as the joys of a child.
That is, except when I step out into nature.
I don't know know about you, but I never tire of seeing little chickadees flitting through the tree branches.
Or watching a cottontail "sneak" into the bushes in our neighborhood.
Or admire the beauty of the sunrise painted across the sky in the few minutes of quiet stillness before the kids tumble out of bed.
Or staring up at the few brightest stars that God placed artfully and strategically.
To me, each time I see these things, it's as if I'm seeing them for the first time. Because, well, they change every time. And that's the beauty of nature and of art. It's literally a new experience every time, no matter if the subject is the same or different.
So, a challenge for you this week - go outside and look at something as if it's the first time you've seen it. And let yourself experience childlike wonder.